
Friday 3 February 2017

ECG of the Week - 6th February 2017

These ECG are from a 59yr old male who presented to the Emergency Department following 2 episodes of syncope. He had a long history of infrequent unexplained syncope over the prior 15 years. His only past medical history is diet controlled T2DM and he was taking no regular medications.

Patients initial ECG on presentation
NOTE this is a non-diagnostic ECG recording as it was generated retrospectively from the rhythm telemetry unit
Click to enlarge
The patient complained of palpitations
Due to rate and rhythm change a rhythm strip was automatically generated
Click to enlarge


Subsequent 12-lead ECG
Click to enlarge

Things to think about

  • What are the key features on each ECG ?
  • How would you treat this patient ?

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