
Tuesday 12 July 2016

ECG of the Week - 11th July 2016 - Interpretation

The following ECG is from a 38 yr old male who presented complaining of chest pain. Current smoker but nil medical or family history.

Click to enlarge
  • 66
  • Regular
  • Sinus Rhythm
  • Normal (-33 deg)
  • PR - Normal (~160ms)
  • QRS - Normal (100ms)
  • QT - 380ms (QTc Bazette 380-400 ms)

  • Subtle ST depression leads V4-6


  • Deep T wave inversion lead III
  • Biphasic T wave lead aVF
  • Prominent T waves leads I, aVL (of equal or greater height than QRS)


  • Very suspicous ECG for ACS

What happened ?

The patient had serial ECG's which showed dynamic T wave changes in the inferior leads and T wave amplitude antero-laterally. Serial troponins were positive.
The patient underwent angiography which showed:
  • LMCA: Minor irregularities
  • LAD: Mid 99% single discrete lesion
  • Ostial 1st Diagonal: 90% single discrete lesion
  • CX: Irregularities
  • RCA: Irregularities
A stent was inserted to the LAD lesion and the ostial lesion was treated with balloon angioplasty. Echo showed normal systolic and valvular function.
The patient was commenced on dual anti-platelet therapy (DAPT), statin, ACE and beta-blocker therapy.

References / Further Reading

Life in the Fast Lane

  • Chan TC, Brady WJ, Harrigan RA, Ornato JP, Rosen P. ECG in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care. Elsevier Mosby 2005.

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