
Saturday 14 March 2015

ECG of the Week - 16th March 2015

This ECG series is from a 45 yr old male who was undergoing an out-patient exercise stress test (EST) for investigation of chest pain. 
The first ECG is pre-EST. The second ECG was performed when the patient became pre-syncopal during EST. The third ECG was taken 2 minutes after the second ECG and the fourth ECG was performed a further 2 minutes later. The patient was immediately transported to the Emergency Department were he was pain free and ECG was comparable with his pre-EST ECG.

ECG 1 - Pre-EST
Click to enlarge

ECG 2 - During EST patient complained of pre-syncope
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ECG 3 - 2 Minutes after ECG above. Nil ALS intervention required.
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ECG 4 - 2 minutes after ECG 3. Patient pain free.
Click to enlarge
Things to think about

  • What are the key features on each of the ECG's above ?
  • What would you Emergency Department management be ?
  • What would you do next ?

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