
Sunday 25 January 2015

ECG of the Week - 26th January 2015

These ECG's are from a 70 yr old male who presented to the Emergency Department following an overdose of unknown agent / agents.
The first ECG was performed on arrival the second ECG following intervention.  

Vital signs on arrival: 

  • GCS 8 (V=1 E=2 M=5)
  • BP 103/67
  • Temp 36.4 C (97.5 F)
  • BSL 5.8 mmol/L

ECG 1 On arrival to the Emergency Dept
Click to enlarge

ECG 2 Post Intervention
Click to enlarge

Things to think about.

  • What are the key features on the first ECG ?
  • What investigations would you want ?
  • What interventions occurred ?
  • What are the key features of the second ECG ?

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