
Thursday 12 December 2013

ECG of the Week - 16th December 2013

This week's ECG is from a 72 yr old male.
He was referred in to the Emergency Department by his GP having complained of nausea, lethargy, and anorexia for the preceding week. Past History of chronic renal failure,and ischaemic heart disease with previous 2 vessel PCI. Medications included frusemide, ACE-inhibitor, and a statin.

I'll give you the punchline for this one up front as the patient presented with the following biochemistry results:

  • Creatinine 421umol/L [70-150]
    • Patient's baseline creatinine ~300umol/L
  • Mg 0.17 mmol/L [0.65-1.10]
    • K was normal
  • Cor Cal 1.35 mmol/L [2.15-2.55]
  • Ionised Ca 0.66 mmol/L [1.12 - 1.30]
  • Phos 2.0 mmol/L [0.7-1.5]
  • Alb 31 g/L [34-45]

Click to enlarge
Number version of ECG
Click to enlarge

VAQ Corner

A 66yr old male is refereed to your Emergency Department by his GP having complained of nausea, lethargy, and anorexia for the preceding week. 
Past History of chronic renal failure,and ischaemic heart disease with previous 2 vessel PCI. 
Medications included frusemide, ACE-inhibitor, and a statin.
The patient's GP has enclosed his biochemistry results, below:
  • Creat 421umol/L [70-150] 
    • Patient's baseline creatinine ~300umol/L
  • Mg 0.17 mmol/L [0.65-1.10]
  • Cor Cal 1.35 mmol/L [2.15-2.55]
  • Ionised Ca 0.66 mmol/L [1.12 - 1.30]
  • Phos 2.0 mmol/L [0.7-1.5]
  • Alb 31 g/L [34-45]
a) Describe & interpret his ECG (50%)
b) Describe & interpret his blood results (50%)

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