
Friday 15 November 2013

ECG of the Week - 18th November 2013

This week's ECG is from a 65 yr old male who presents with chest pain.
Intermittent exertional chest pain over the preceding week .
Continuous chest pain for the last hour with dysponea and diaphoresis.
Past history of hypertension. Non smoker with no family history.

Click to enlarge
VAQ Corner

This week's ECG is from a 65 yr old male who presents with chest pain. Intermittent exertional chest pain over the preceding week . Continuous chest pain for the last hour with dysponea and diaphoresis. Past history of hypertension. Non smoker with no family history.
Vital signs: BP 145/74 RR 16 Sats 95% RA T 36.4

Describe and interpret

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