
Friday 30 August 2013

ECG of the Week - 2nd September 2013

This ECG is from a 39 yr old male and I can only assume he presented with chest pain.
I will get some more clinical information today and update the case this evening, including our 'VAQ Corner' exam style quesion.


This patient presented with 2 hours of chest pain. Strong family history of cardiac disease. 
Nil regular meds. BP 134/78. Sats 98% RA
VAQ Corner question also added.

Our interpretation of this case can be found here.

Click to enlarge
As per Ken's suggestion, see comments section, I've included below a labelled version of the ECG with the complexes numbered from 1 to 13. It may help those who interpret on a computer screen / tablet, and ensures we are all taking about the same bits of the ECG. Thanks Ken :-)

Click to enlarge

VAQ Corner

A 39 year old male presents to your rural Emergency Department with 2 hours of typical chest pain. He is a smoker with a strong family history of cardiac disease. Nil regular meds. BP 134/78. Sats 98% RA

a) Describe & interpret his ECG (50%)
b) Outline indications & contraindications for thrombolysis (50%)

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